Collection of Harry James Potterly & Ginny Molly Weselton Couples and Precouples

Albus Humbledore and Albusha Humbledore (née Humblefield)

Headmaster and Headmistress couple of Hogwarts School of Human-Witches & Human-Wizards

Albus Brian Humbledore and Albusha Brianna Humbledore (née Humbleford)

Headmaster and Headmistress couple of Hogwarts School of Human-Witches & Human-Wizards

Aberforth Dylan Humbledore and Aberforthia Dylanna Humbledore (née Humblewell)

Albus Brian Humbledore's youngest brother and sister-in-law couple

Everus Snapefield and Everah Snapefield (née Snapeford)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Filius Flitwick and Filiah Flitwick (née Flitwill)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Cedric Whitaker and Cedrica Whitaker (née Whitman)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Austin Basketer and Austinia Basketer (née Bucketer)

Hogwarts Teacher & Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Merlin Montague and Merlinda Montague (née Montgomery)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Rubius Harrison and Rubiah Harrison (née Harrisburg)

Gamekeeper and Gamekeeperess couple

Minervo McCarthy and Minerva McCarthy (née McGonagall)

Hogwarts Teacher & Hogwarts Teacheress couple

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Remus John Lupinson and Remah Johnna Lupinson (née Lupinstone)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

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Alastor Happyhall and Alastorah Happyhall (née Happyhart)

Hogwarts Teacher & Hogwarts Teacheress couple

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Pomono Sproutmist and Pomona Sproutmist (née Sproutmoon)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Horace Starhart and Horacia Starhart (née Starhorn)

Hogwarts Teacher & Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Ariano Harold Humbledale and Ariana Harolina Humbledale (née Humbledore)

Albus Brian Humbledore's younger sister and brother-in-law couple

Harry James Potterly and Ginny Molly Weselton

the male and female protagonist precouple / the narrator and narratress precouple.

Louis and Louisha

the male and female deuteragonist precouple / chess player and chess playeress precouple.

Niall and Niallina

the male and female tritagonist precouple / the brightest human-witch of her age and the brightest human-wizard of his age precouple

Liam and Leah

Seamus Finnigan and Seamusha Flanagan

Gryffindor Student and Gryffindor Studentess precouple

Neville Longbottom and Nevilla Longbase

Gryffindor Student and Gryffindor Studentess precouple

Dean Thomason and Deanah Thompson

Gryffindor Student and Gryffindor Studentess Precouple

Luno Lovehart and Luna Lovegood

Ravenclaw Student and Ravenclaw Studentess precouple

Kingsley Sheridan and Queensly Sheridan (née Sherman)

Minister of Magic and
Ministress of Magic couple

James L. Potterly and Lilly J. Potterly (née Evanson)

Harry James Potterly's Birth Parents

Stello Davender and Stella Davender (née Evanson)

Harry James Potterly's maternal aunt and uncle-in-law couple

Euphemio Potterly and Euphemia Potterly (née Hartwell)

Harry James Potterly's paternal grandparents

Charles Evanson and Charlotte Evanson (née Evanstone)

Harry James Potterly's maternal grandparents

Godric Gryffindor and Godrica Gryffindor (née Gryffinfield)

Founder and Foundress couple of Hogwarts

Helgo Hufflepuff and Helga Hufflepuff (née Hufflechuff)

Founder and Foundress couple of Hogwarts

Roweno Ravenclaw and Rowena Ravenclaw (née Ravennail)

Founder and Foundress couple of Hogwarts

Gareth Ollivander and Esmee Ollivander (née Ollivanfield)

Owner and Owneress couple of Ollivander's Wand Shop

Bathildo Bigshot and Bathilda Bigshot (née Bagshot)

Daniel Forester and Daniella Forester (née Foreston)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Amos Diggory and Amosha Diggory (née Lawson)

Cedric Diggory's Birth Parents

Igor Kakaroff and Igoria Karkaroff (née Karkaroften)

Headmaster and Headmistress couple of Durmstrang Institute

Olympio Maximo and Olympia Maximo (née Maxima)

Headmaster and Headmistress couple of Beauxbatons Acadamy of Magic

Argus Filchfield and Argusha Filchfield (née Filchford)


Franklin Brycefield and Helen Brycefield (née Bryceford)

Good Human-Muggle and Good Human-Muggless couple

Rufus Sullivan and Rufah Sullivan (née Sulliver)

Minister of Magic and
Ministress of Magic couple

Bartis Crouchwell and Bartisha Crouchwell (née Crouchwood)

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Nicholas Dipson Portingson and Elizabeth Dipsha Portingson (née Portington)

Good Spirit and Good Spiritess couple of Gryffindor

Ronald Bilius Weasley and Hermione Jennie Weasley (née Granger)

the narrator and narratress couple / the author and authoress couple

Arthur Weselton and Molly Weselton (née Prewetter)

Ginny and Leah Weaslyer's Birth Parents

William Arthur Weselton and Fleur Isabelle Weselton (née Delacour)

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Charles Weselton and Charlotte Weselton (née Williams)

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Percy Isaac Weselton and Audry Isaaca Weselton (née Willigan)

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Fred Weselton and Fredina Weselton (née Willison)

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George Weselton and Georgina Weselton (née Willison)

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Ronald Bilius Weselton and Hermione Jennie Grangeret

Gryffindor Student and Gryffindor Studentess precouple

Quirinus Quirrell & Quirinah Quirrell (née Quarrell)

Hogwarts Teacher & Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Lucius Malfoy & Luciah Malfoy (née Blackaby)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Tomiko Marvin Riddlemark and Tamika Marvinia Riddlemark (née Fiddlemark)

Criminal Mastermind and Criminal Mistressmind couple / Leader and Leaderess couple of the Death Eater and Death Eatress couples.

Bartemius Moodyhall and Bartemiah Moodyhall (née Ficklehall)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Peter Pettigrew and Megan Pettigrew (née Pettigrow)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Rodolphus Lestranger and Bellatrix Lestranger (née Blackaby)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Rabastan Lestranger and Rabastanna Lestranger (née Leweird)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Gilderoy Lockhart and Gilderoyla Lockhart (née Lockhorn)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Cornelius Oswaldo Fudge and Cornelia Oswalda Fudge (née Dodge)

Evil Minister of Magic and Evil Ministress of Magic couple

Dexter Jack Elbridge and Dolores Jane Elbridge (née Umbridge)

Hogwarts Teacher and Hogwarts Teacheress couple

Walden MacLair and Waldenia MacLair (née MacNair)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Augustus Rookwell and Augustusha Rookwell (née Rookwood)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Antonio Dolohov and Antonia Dolohov (née Dolohan)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple

Salazar Slytherin and Salazarah Slytherin (née Slytheron)

Evil Founder and Evil Foundress couple

Stanlio Shunpike and Stanlia Shunpike (née Shanpike)

the conductor and conductress couple of the Knight & Knightess couple.

Alberto Runcorn and Alberta Runcorn (née Rancorn)

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Rito Skeeterfield and Rita Skeeterfield (née Skeeterford)

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Draco Lucius Malicious and Astoria Narcissa Malfoy

Slytherin Student and Slytherin Studentess precouple

Vincent Crabbefield and Vincentta Cribbefield

Slytherin Student and Slytherin Studentess precouple

Gregory Goylefield and Gregorina Doylefield

Slytherin Student and Slytherin Studentess precouple

Homer Ethan Darsley and Marjorie Eileen Darsley (née Dursley)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple / Dudley Dursley's paternal aunt and uncle-in-law couple

Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley (née Evans)

Death Eater and Death Eatress couple / Henchman and Henchwoman couple / Dudley Dursley's Birth Parents

Dudley Dursley and Dudlena Dursley (née Dorsley)

Slytherin Student and Slytherin Studentess precouple / Vernon and Petunia Dursley's son and daughter-in-law

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